Thursday, December 22, 2011

. . .merry and bright. . .

Heidi 2011
 Well, Merry Christmas and most likely a Happy New Year too!  I hope that with all the busy-ness of the season we all have managed to keep our focus on the true reason for the Christian's Christmas.  I say Christian's Christmas because last night my mom was telling us that she had heard the history behind the celebration of "Christmas" which started as a celebration of winter solstice.  There were other facts about the Germans and their "yule" time celebration, and the Stonehenge creations  and how their seats are in the shadows every winter solstice, and many others that my tired, sleep deprived mind couldn't hold on to during our drive to look at Christmas lights.  But the fact that the "church" incorporated the celebration of Christ's birth into the traditions of the day in order to keep the people in the church and happy came through clearly.

Eddy 2011

In thinking about it all though, it doesn't really matter to me.  Of course we don't know the exact day--our modern day calendar didn't even exist at the birth of Christ and our calendar is different from the Jewish calendar.  What is important is that we do have a time to celebrate the birth of Christ and a time to teach our children about this miraculous event that God in His lovingkindness allowed to happen so that we who live today could be saved by faith through the blood of Jesus Christ.  And that we can use this time to look forward to the day when we will be in Heaven with our Lord.  And to remember that the things of this earth are only temporary and that we have so much more to look forward to in Heaven.  

Sarah 2011
I'm so looking forward to celebrating Christmas with our family and I'm even glad that Christmas is on a Sunday this year.  Maybe my thoughts will turn a little more toward things that matter for eternity and a little less toward the presents under the tree. . . .not sure if the almost 2 year old will have any such thoughts though. . .ha, ha, ha!

**typing at Les Schwab today while they align our car, in case you're wondering;-)